where does the lipstick go? |
me and my dad in San Clemente |
my sister Willow and my dad at the park |
my first train ride |
this is how I eat my berries |
My proud sister when I was two months old |
Did someone say, Smile? |
taking a rest while my mom shops |
my mom and dad |
my sister, Willow, eating her favorite food |
me and my dad in the snow in downtown L.A. |
that turkey looks good |
I like these flannel sheets |
don't bother me! |
I like my red hat! |
me and my cousin Hunter |
Popsicles, a hot Palm Springs day and naked sisters |
Aunt Holly and Jeff |
Me and uncle Greg dog sledding |
My first pony ride |
Willow likes to change my diaper |
I just love to smile |
I have the whole world at my finger tips |
Willow is a great driver! |
drying off after a long swim |
I told you, I like regular milk, not non-fat! |
I am so happy to make cookies |
me at Tony Roma's |
Dad, uncle Greg and Willow |
mom in her favorite hat |
swinging in Pan Pacific park |
me and my daddy |
Pa-Pa |
Lulu and Bela |
Grandma and me and Willow |
Jump, Jump, Jump |
Willow and mom at the museum |
daddy ice climbing in Ouray, Colorado |
Nana and Papa at New Years Eve in Tahoe |
Willow, Mom, me and daddy |
Aunt Synde and Hunter |
don't take my sucker |
mom at Willow's birthday party |
I want it to be my birthday cake |
Mom taking a ride at disneyland |
Willow and daddy at disneyland |
mom enjoys the tennis tournament |
papa is reading us our favorite story |
aunt Sindy, me and Willow in the backround |
pony rides at home |
Nana and my cousin Sophia |
My sister and her new dress! |
my first time underwater in mexico |
these are shells |
underwater in Hawaii |
My sister the Texas hick |
I love steak |
me, my sister and my dad in Cabo |
my favorite time to do the crosswords |
the beach in Maui |
Mom and Dad in Hawaii |
Willow looks bored! |
Look at all the flowers. |
This is sooooo fun! |
I bet mom is worried! |
Why go into the slide when you can just sit on top of it? |
Willow's new dress |
what boat |
mom and Willow under water |
My fourth birthday cake |
I am so happy because I got to ride my favorite pony |
can you say, ORANGE? |
this skiing stuff is cooool |